Tuesday, October 17, 2006

OD'd On 'Lost'

You know how I know you're a loser?

You spent all weekend watching the second season of 'Lost' on DVD.

There's seven discs, each disc running almost three hours!

The problem with watching a series in one fell swoop, is that you begin to notice the traits of the show; almost to the point, where they ruin it.

That's what made me stop watching 'Grey's Anatomy'. Best Week Ever did a bit on how to become a hit drama and used 'Grey's' as fodder for the demonstration. After that, all I could see, was the 'formula' that BWE outlined, and it killed the show for me, because they were right.

So while watching 'Lost', I began to realize how passive-aggressive the characters on the show. One will take a dig at another, who then replies with either a snarky comment, or an even more pointed dig back, who then either stares intently, walks away, or says something pithy.

The other thing that is annoying, is how they introduce a plot point, then forget about it for a few episodes, and when they revisit it, enough time has passed that you begin to forget details about it.

It's also weird, to see 'Michael' and 'Eko', on the same show again. They were both on 'Oz'. Which is funny, because they had a character on that show called 'Sayid' as well; although spelled differently.

Other observations:

Jack: Get over yourself. We get that you are conflicted inside, and only want to do what you think is right. Enough with the flashbacks to your failed marriage.

Hurley: Stop saying 'dude', and grow a pair, buddy. Tired of hearing you whine. I wish you had thrown yourself over the side of that cliff.

I don't have any issues with any of the other characters, except the husband of the lady who was dying of cancer [Rose, I believe]. He reminded me of inefficient managers I have had in my work life.

That whole plot point of building a sign on the beach, got me to thinking, if I was on the island, would I want to leave? Things seem to be going pretty well for them; they're getting food dropped from the sky, they have set up their huts.

The only bad thing is the 'Others', and Ana Lucia occasionally shooting someone.

Living in the tropics, with no mortgage, job, or debt to worry about, sounds like a pretty good gig to me.

So my theory of what's going on, at least to the point of the episodes I have seen, the island is a test by the Dharma people, as some sort of way of screening out 'good stock', for a Utopian society, that is being created by the Project.


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