Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Don't Ask - #2

Don't ask me why, but I while trying to obtain full consciousness this morning while waking up, I began wondering whatever happened to Jonathan's dad on 'Who's The Boss?'. I vaguely remembered that Tony's wife [and Sam's mom] died from cancer or a car crash. But what about annoying-blonde-bowl-cut boy? It actually was driving me crazy [sad I know], so I finally had to IMDB it as I knew I wouldn't be alone in pondering this query:

Angela's Husband/Jonathan's father/+ Gay Episode?

by - kraktour (Fri Jan 6 2006 10:06:20 )
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I was wondering if anyone knew offhand how the absence of Angela's husband/Jonathan's father was referred to in the series if ever. Also, I seem to vaguely recall that it was worked into the show that Jonathan was gay, is this true? I vaguely recall that there was an episode when the little kid was added toward the end of the series where Angela is worried Jonathan isn't expressing an interest toward girls his age, and there's a speech at him toward the end of the show saying he had a different preference, etc....


Re: Angela's Husband/Jonathan's father/+ Gay Episode?
by - jennerationX (Sat Jan 7 2006 09:42:50 )
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1. Jonathan's father was an archaeologist or something and was always out of the country. There was a two-part episode where he decided to come back to live with them, they fired Tony, but it didn't work out, so they (Angela and her husband) got an actual divorce, I don't remember him being mentioned much after that.

2. They did add a little kid, Billy, towards the end of the series. The producers liked how Tony Danza played off of kids and Alyssa and Danny were too old for those kinds of story lines. Billy was from Tony's old neighborhood and needed a family or something like that.

3. I don't remember an episode about Jonathan being gay. Danny Pintauro, the actor, is gay, but I don't think they addressed that in the show. In fact, he came out of the closet after Who's the Boss.

Glad to know that the Information Age allows me to quell my thirst for random-insignificant data. Although it does help with those 'that one guy! in the movie...with
the hair....' moments.

IMDB - Who's The Boss?


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