Friday, March 24, 2006

Don't eat before going to bed

I made that mistake last night and ended up having funky dreams. One of them involved a young, better looking Robert Deniro trying to hit on me.

Second one was of me and Matt getting in to a shouting match with a co-worker.

Third was this one where I had to stay late at work in order to help throw a public speaking event. I had to set up the food and bartend, and at the end of the night I made a big cocktail as a reward. The cocktail? Vanilla Absolut, cream, and soda. I guess it's a variation of a White Russian, but I haven't actually tried that in real life. I wonder if the Vodka would curdle the cream? Guess not because a white russian has cream.

Last dream was I came home to find that my, and 2 neighbor's condos had their front doors busted down. Supposedly the fire department came and needed access. I used a portable red Hoover vacuum to clean up the broken glass that was on the floor as well. Yes, the last one was that detailed and random. I don't own a portable vac.

Any thoughts on meanings of these?


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