Smoke on the water, fire in the sky
Watched the remake of 'The Fog' [SPOILERS!] and I had that stupid song in my head during the entire movie. It was ok. Superman dude who plays the lead is hot, but his character in this movie was kind of a jerk. The female lead reminded me of the Izzy on 'Grey's Anatomy'.
There were, of course, a lot of things that didn't make sense. Like in one scene, Superman dude is wearing a heavy nautical sweater. While in another scene, at chronologically the same time, there are two chicks in bikinis on a boat. Wouldn't they be freezing?
And when the aunt dies, the son doesn't happen to mention that to his mom [Selma Blair] once reunited. Thanks kid. Good to see you had your aunt's back. Plus the whole notion of using scotch tape to keep 'the fog' out was laughable.
Interestingly enough, the black guy doesn't die in the movie. He hides in a freezer on the boat instead and survives the fog. So the fog has this super ghostly powers to kill people instantly, manipulate electricity, cause people to crash in to the ocean, but it can't open a freezer door handle? Shouldn't he have died in there due to a lack of oxygen. Oy vey.
But at least it wasn't as bad as 'Overdrawn At The Memory bank. Thank god MST3K was there to make it watchable, but wow, it stank. Especially annoying was the 'Casablanca' overtones.
My favorite line is where they are at 'Nirvana' and one of the 'bots sings 'Come, to my mall, as you are, as you want it to be'. Because, 'Nirvana' looks like a mall in that shot. Clever huh?
Thank God!
I was afraid you'd liked the movie! ;-)
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