Monday, August 07, 2006

'I can't sleep, something's all over me, greasy insomnia, please release me'

In order to keep my insomnia in check, I have to stick to a pretty strict ritual of when I go to bed. So, after this weekend, it's all out of whack again.

Friday night, right before I was to take a shower and hit the hay, an old booty call, called and thus, I ended up staying up later than I wanted.

So Saturday, I was draggin, and decided to partake of caffeine.

Bad idea.

Normally, during the week, I don't ingest caffeine after Noon, because it will leave me anxious and wide awake, later that night in bed. Why didn't I follow my normal routine?

After going to the Zoo on Saturday [more on that later], I went to grab a bite to eat and ended up ordering a Coke with my meal. This was around 5 PM.

Finally got home, exhausted from my trek to the Zoo [seriously, that place is huge], and was comforted with the fact that I was physically tired, and could probably get to bed early. This was good in that since I had stayed up late Friday night, and didn't do Jack [vague pun intended] on Saturday, I could get up early, and do laundry, and such.

Didn't happen.

I proceeded to have one of the worst night's sleep in a while. I was laying there semi conscious and brain dead watching movies, waiting for my meds to kick in.

They never did.

So I toss and turn all night. At one point, in my semi-consciousness, I had a thought come in to mind,

'What would happen if one day I go to sleep and not wake up? Like my heart stops or something?'

Well that set off a whole snowball of scenarios, which I don't fully remember, thus, snowballing the insomnia-anxiety effect.

I think I got like 3 hours of sleep, eventually, somewhere around 5 AM.

Sunday, I was dragging again, but did manage to go check out the Parade Of Homes with Dave. [More on that later as well].

Figured, by Sunday night, I would be back on schedule. But I wasn't.

I slept better than the previous two nights, but here it is Monday 2 PM, and I am just barely starting to feel awake [which explains the lack of posts today].

In summary, insomnia sucks, and it's scary how easy one can get off track.


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