Friday, August 24, 2007

OMG. Denver needs a program, stat!



In the fall of 1999, our two Zipcar founders were sitting in a café, excited about a concept they had seen in Berlin while on vacation. Cars were parked around the city for members to drive by the hour instead of owning their own vehicles. They had a Eureka! moment (or maybe it was more like, "Duh! What an obvious idea.") They put an American spin on it - outfitting the cars with wireless technology, creating a hassle-free reservation system and strategically placing the cars around key cities and neighborhoods. In June of 2000 the first Zipcars were on the road. The masses could now drive cars by the hour or day - on their terms.


Today, tens of thousands of smiling drivers use Zipcars. In many neighborhoods, Zipcars are as ubiquitous as ATMs. Z2B (business) and personal drivers alike are loving the freedom and cost savings a Zipcar brings to their life - many have even achieved transportation nirvana. That's why over 30% of our customers have either sold their car or have stopped their purchasing decision. The revolution is underway, at least in the minds of members who no longer give a second thought to how they will get where they need to go. With a Zipcard in your pocket, a car is only a wireless signal away. Viva la revolution!


Like Zipcar members, Zipcar the company is going places. Plans for regional and national expansion are in the works (Hurray!). And as you might expect, we're investing in even more fun and functional cars that are sure to be a crowd pleaser. The passionate team of Zipsters will also take the member experience to new heights with many enhancements based on the great ideas and feedback of our impassioned members. Like the best of superheroes, Zipcar will go where the trouble is—cities with congestion, parking problems, transportation issues and hard to get to IKEAs (but without the tights and cape). Get on board. Become part of the solution, drive or partner with Zipcar today.'

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Blogger Claystation said...

We have this in Seattle, it's called Flexcar. I know a couple people that do it. Seems cool.

August 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I would love something like this to move into Kansas City, but our metropolitan area is so spread out, I'm not sure it would ever work here.

August 26, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not sure how it is other places, but in NY it ends up being cheaper to just rent a car. I imagine it's because car insurance is so horrendously expensive. Sigh.

August 27, 2007  
Blogger Colleen said...

I used to live in a city with Zipcar.

August 27, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

But Colleen, you now live somewhere that (hopefully) doesn't smell like a giant puddle of pee most of the time. It's a balance, sister.

August 28, 2007  

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