Friday, March 07, 2008

Maybe.....I am....a nerd.

Remember my nifty new process?

Well today was the first day using it and I'm quite chuffed about it.

Granted it was a lot of work, but it got done and should be easier now that all the formatting has been established.

[This is why I was so quiet on the posts today.]

After my Management took a look at it, I received what I think was a backhanded compliment in regards to others begin able to do the process in case of my absence:
'Unlike others on the team, you have a brain that works differently, and can do that sort of thing.'
Ha ha.

Then as I got back to my regular work, I realized how I document EVERYTHING.

I note every ticket with every email and phone call regardless how mundane it may be.

[When I worked in a call center way back when, we had to document everything lest some customer called in lying, and if you didn't have documentation, that could mean being out on your keister.]

Plus, I keep spreadsheets.

One to track my time worked and lunch breaks [this has come in extremely handy when dealing with Management].

And another that tracks each ticket I've worked.

All color coded, and with redundant back up files.


I'm a nerd.

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Blogger James said...

Ha! The more things change...the more they stay the same.

March 09, 2008  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

They moved [redacted] to a new server so all of the reports that we used to have got jacked up and now we have to do it manually.


Hopefully the reporting team gets forced to take it over.

March 10, 2008  

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