Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happenings At The Big Gay Club

Electric Six - 'Gay Bar' [Maybe NSFW Work]

So, over the weekend, I ended up going to the Big Gay Club for ExSBF#2's birthday, even though we had already went out for it before.

Big Gay Club[BGC] and The Magazine do a lot of events together because BGC has a big events space next door, so they gave ExSBF#2 the VIP area for the night.

I tried getting there late becase ExSBF#2 is always late and I didn't want to be there and not know anyone.

So I get a cab and lo and behold, I'm early and I don't know anyone there.

Eventually ExSBF#2 and his Girlfriend[GF] show up [did I ever post about how me and GF had an incident and were'nt speaking to each other? It's since been resolved.] and peeps begin trickling in.

Included in the peeps was my editor for The Magazine.

This was unexpected, because I was on deadline and had yet to submit my article.

[Later that evening I told her to not expect it on Sunday as I may have a hangover and can't promise anything.]

As the night progressed I noticed how I REALLY didn't know anyone out.

I couldn't decide if this was a good or bad thing.

My party days are behind me and I guess it's a good thing some of us aren't still doing it years later.

Speaking of party days, an old Partner In Crime [PIC] showed up that I hadn't seen in a while [well, since December, the last time I was at BGC].

We ended up hanging out together most of the night, only occasionally to stop by the VIP area.

The thing about PIC is, he's a totally sweet and nice guy, but he's the type that if you're not careful, you'll find yourself doing lines off a stripper's ass at 5 in the Las Vegas.

Ha ha.

We've ended up in some crazy scenes, let me tell you.

Come to find out, one of our mutual friends is now th DJ at Tracks[!].

The previous DJ had been there since I bartended for them, so that was quite a change.

Come to think of it, that was the first time I have got to hang out in the DJ booth at the new incarnation of BGC.

Someone else I found interesting that was hanging out at BGC, were two local reporters for the local news affiliates.

One of them I dubbed my Arch Nemesis[AN].

Arch Nemesis And Entertainment Reporter

AN is a segment presenter on one of the morning news shows.

Most of you know I AM NOT a morning person.

I am seriously cranky-pants in the morning.

So whilst waiting for the weather reports so I can plan my attire for the day, AN usually comes on with some 'wacky' segment or such.

Like recently, he was talking about a new exhibit at the Art Museum, and was totally camping it up while talking to the Curator about some of the pieces.

His bright and sparkly manner is the antithesis to my dour demeanor in the morning.

So much so, that I think evil thoughts in my groggy haze when he comes on.

Incidentally, the broadcast he works for likes to make fun of him sometimes, and make jokes about him being a nelly queen [don't worry, they're nothing overly offensive or such].

Now I can kind of see why.

Saturday night he totally flamed out.

I was expecting gay but whoa, nelly! [Pun intended.]

It kind of cracked me up.

I think he picked up on that I was telling people he is my Nemesis and taking pics of him, because I caught him glaring at me a couple of times.

Ha ha.

And, oh yeah, the other news guy is pretty nelly too, but he's an entertainment reporter so it's to be expected.

I moved on to other things eventually, like finding out one of my old booty calls still works there.

It's weird, I'm no longer physically attracted to him, but every time we talk there's still a total spark between us.

Him working there still, might make the fact that I want to hook up [potentially date] with one of the Managers[M] who works there.

M and I have made plans to hang out/go on a date before, but something has always come up for me.

I figured he would have lost interest by now, but I guess not, as we're supposed to hang out at the Magazine's Fashion Show on Friday and do something next week,

Speaking of hooking up, I forgot how I kind of become a Mack Daddy after I have had some booze in me.

When I woke up Sunday, I had four new numbers in my phone.

Sadly, I don't can't put a face to two of them, so that's pretty much a dead end as the Statute Of Limitations on the Hungover Sunday Call Window has expired.

All in all it was a fun night, and I actually wasn't that worse for wear on Sunday.

Although, I am kind of regretting that I told PIC that I would work the door at some of his upcoming parties.


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Blogger My adventures said...

Working the door means you get to see everyone that comes and goes! Now, that sounds like fun! Need an assistant? ha!

May 15, 2008  
Blogger Jeff said...

Does working the door mean that you get to turn people away? That sounds like fun.

May 15, 2008  
Blogger Colleen said...

ha. sounds like your AN really is your AN now!

May 15, 2008  
Blogger Joey J said...

Working the door is NOT cute at our age. (Albeit I have to give it credit for catapulting my career, but I digress). Can you send YouTube videos of these two show reporters? I'm curious....

May 18, 2008  

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