Friday, May 02, 2008

My New Fave MST3K Episode - 'Clonus'

'Let's put out our crotches and go find your nose.'

Ha ha.

What's funny is I watched the original 'Clonus' not too long ago.

'The Island' TOTALLY stole the plot.

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Blogger Scooter said...

Hahahahaha! You know you're in trouble when Darren Stephens is your doctor...and it's really bad when it's Darren #2!

May 02, 2008  
Blogger Liöüx said...


One of my new BFFs just left me an MST3K video on my comments section of MySpace.

It's only a 'short' though.

May 02, 2008  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Whole episodes are on the YouTubes.

May 02, 2008  

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