Thursday, August 07, 2008

Scenes From An Office

Yesterday, I had to attend a vendor training [read: product overview] for The Corporation.

As usual, it was for us Drones who work on The Network, and so the whole class was nothing but dudes.

It got me to thinking about how as long as I have been working here, the Network Technicians have always been all dudes.

Well, there was this one girl who worked there, but she turned out to become a lesbina.

As my mind wandered off the really dry technical overview, I began wondering what the reason behind the All Male Revue aspect of Network Operations.

Surely there are women out there who know a thing or two about the workings of fiber optic technology.

I, personally, have no desire to work in that department partly due to the fact that it is such a sausage fest.

I get along fine with the hetero tech boys, but they are quite immature an low-brow.

Speaking of, along with our spec book and a vendor branded pen, we were given these ugly phallic highlighters:

One other thing I noticed was this one tech I used to work with when I was on graveyards.

He was a total cutie that I total crushed on.

But seeing him in training some eight years later, it's amazing [read: sad] to see the effects of time.

Like most of the other techs, he now has a gut, and looks like a total aged telecom geek.

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Blogger Christopher said...

You're absolutely right...I don't think we have ANY women in our I.T. department....and I totally want that highlighter!

August 07, 2008  
Blogger James said...

It's weird about the sausage fest. We have two women in our NOC, and I think one of them is Family. They were both in the Air Force too.

I seem the remember the group that worked over the wall (can't remember what they did) was almost all women.

August 10, 2008  

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