Sunday, April 30, 2006

Blurb Movie Reviews- 'Undertow'

'Undertow' is the story of two brothers played by Josh Lucas and Dermot Mulroney, who have long standing rivalry issues. Josh's character is an ex-con who feels his bro, Dermot, was the prodigal son in their father's eyes.
Josh gets out of prison, and looks up his bro, to get his half of some old coins that their father was supposed to have left them. When he gets to the house, he sees his bro is living with his two sons. He agrees to stick around to help his bro with the farm.
We then discover that Dermot's character actually hooked up with Josh's girl behind his back, and that this girl was the dead mother of Dermot's two sons. Or so we think. We find out that Dermot's oldest son is most probably Josh's character's kid.
There's a fight, and Dermot is killed. The two sons escape with the coins, and Josh tries to hunt them down.
Jamie Bell, who plays the eldest son, stole the show on this one. At first you see him as this troubled kid, but by the end, you totally sympathize with him. Over the course of the movie, you see that he is a simple guy, but who is caring and passionate for life. He helps take care of his sick younger brother while they are on the lam from Josh. He is a pretty convincing actor, and it will be interesting to see him in other projects.
Speaking of the younger bro, it is never really explained why he eats random stuff. Like the paint flake that comes off of a watering can. Or why he is sitting in a field eating latex paint. And later, dirt. I think it has something to do with him needing attention. Like he does this to make himself sick, so people will dote on him.
Overall, there are concentric metaphors between father and son, and brother's relationships with each other.

Side notes: Josh has perfected the greasy bad guy character. Dermot Mulroney knows how to fill out a pair of long johns, and actually kinda looks good being greasy as well.


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