Friday, June 16, 2006

Rocky Horror Audience Partici......pation

Watched Rocky Horror the other night, and I totally forgot that I used to be 'on cast' when they showed it at the Esquire. For about a year, I played Dr. Scott. Wheelchair, faux German accent, and all.

Funny how you forget stuff you have done in the past. Blegh.
For those of you unfamiliar with Rocky Horror, the 'cast' acts the movie out while it's playing, and the audience interacts with both.

Also, many of the songs are sung with lyrics created by the audience.

One of my fave's was the song about Eddie [played by Meatloaf]. the original goes:

'When Eddie said he didn't like his Teddy,
you knew he was a no good kid
But when he threatened your life,
with a switchblade knife,

what a guy,
makes you cry,

and I did'

But the audiences lyrics go:

'When Eddie said he
circumcised his Teddy,
you knew he was a Jewish kid,
When he [banged] your wife,
with a switchblade knife,
hat a fag,
makes you gag,
and I did'

Total juvenile humor. But at the time, very liberating. I think that was the beginning of my snarkiness. Next to 'Clueless', that is the only movie I know every word to.

Oh man, I just remembered I even wrote a dissertation-like paper on the movie and it's symbolism for my Humanities class in high school. I got an 'A+'.Luckily my teacher was cool, I'm pretty sure she was 'family'.

I loved that class. We had to do a paper on one of our favorite artists, and create a work of art in their style. I chose Keith Haring because I was obsessed with him at the time. Got an 'A' on that paper, and she made copies of it to use as examples for later classes.

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Blogger Claystation said...

After prom, my friends and I went the Rocky Horror; all dressed up in our tux's and dresses. It was so much fun!

June 16, 2006  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Funny that you went to Rocky after your prom. I went to a rave after mine.

June 16, 2006  

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