Monday, June 05, 2006

Word Of The Day - 'Gripes'

I was watching a movie and one of the characters, said the following:

'Boy, that really gripes me'.

Which sounded like a misuse of the word to me. I had to look it up, and I guess you could use it that way. What I find funny, is the etymology of the word says that it probably is a derivative from 'gripping pain of the bowels'.


v. griped, griping, gripes
v. intr.

1. Informal. To complain naggingly or petulantly; grumble.
2. To have sharp pains in the bowels.

v. tr.

1. Informal. To irritate; annoy: Her petty complaints really gripe me.
2. To cause sharp pain in the bowels of.
3. To grasp; seize.
4. To oppress or afflict.


1. Informal. A complaint.
2. gripes Sharp, spasmodic pains in the bowels.
3. A firm hold; a grasp.
4. A grip; a handle.


O.E. gripan "grasp at, lay hold," from P.Gmc. *gripanan (cf. O.S. gripan, O.N. gripa, Du. grijpen, Goth. greifen "to seize"), from PIE base *ghrib- (cf. Lith. griebiu "to seize").

Figurative sense of "complain, grouse" is first attested 1932, probably from earlier meaning "gripping pain in the bowels" (1601).


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