Sunday, June 11, 2006

You know how I know that you're gay?

You make a Kiwi/Lemon seared salmon fillet for tomorrow's lunch.

You know what's gayer than that?

You make a yellow bell pepper/marinated, Itlalian mushroom slaw, as an appetizer.

So, I have a couple of OCD issues. I always wash my hands, if I touch any surface, that may have been touched by the 'unwashed' masses. I also, need to visually see, and physically, touch my keys before closing my front door. And new on the roster, is that I am freaked out by processed foods.
After watching such shows as 'Jamie Olliver's School Lunch Project', and 'Honey, We're Killing The Kids', I am freaked out by any food that doesn't occur in nature.
I am of the mindset now, that I only want to eat veggies, fruits, and organic meat.
The other day, I wanted cranberry juice. Yet, all I could find were juices made with high fructose corn syrup. Blegh! That's bad sugar!
So, I have obsessively become focused, on eating things that aren't processed by America's great multi-national Corporations.
This is why, I am in love with the new 'Safeway' grocery store. 'Queen Soopers' was originally sufficient, in that catered to the 'homo' inclinations of its surrounding neighborhood. But 'Safeway', went even further, by trying to cash in on the recent, organic/health food craze. [think Whole Foods and Wild Oats].
The majority of their products are boutique, and 'organic'. They have a wider selection of stuff to choose from. Normally, I would go to Whole Foods, but Safeway is much closer.
So today, on my way back home, I stopped by, as the inagural day of changing my eating habits. I am only going to eat stuff that isn't processed. And that ended up in me selecting fresh fish, and veggies.
The salmon turned out amazing.
I sampled a bit to make sure it turned out ok. But the red cabbage/yellow bell pepper/marinated Italian mushroom slaw, turned out spectacurlarly.
It's going to be interesting to see what effects, this 'raw food' diet, will have.


Blogger Helen the Felon said...'re officially over 30. You'll find that people in our age bracket spend more time reading food labels than masturbating. It's bizarre, but I promise you'll adjust.

June 12, 2006  
Blogger Claystation said...

I'm all about this. I'm freaked out by processed foods too. My parents never ate processed foods as kids. Processed foods (which is most everything in the grocery stores) can't be good for you!

June 12, 2006  

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