Monday, July 17, 2006

Blurb Movie Reviews - 'Strangers With Candy'

Wow. What a disappointment. I feel sorry for anyone who isn't a fan of the show, and sees this movie. There are a lot of jokes from the show, and unless you are a fan, you probably won't get them.

I think the biggest problem is the beginning. There is no incidental music like in the show. I never realized how much of a component, the 'after-school special' music is, and how it affects the tone. Without it, the first 20 minutes just falls flat.

That's the other thing. The movie was supposed to start at 12:15, but didn't until 12:30. The movie was over by 1:30. Only an hour? It seemed longer.

The only bright spot was Sarah Jessica Parker as the guidance counselor. I think I only laughed out loud twice, and that was only for new jokes that haven't been used before. Like the typically un-PC Jerri saying:

'I love you all like family. Well, at least you white ones. You dark ones are more like endentured family servants'

Overall, it just seemed like the movie tried too hard. Bummer. I was expecting more.


Blogger Fanboy said...

And I agree with your review, right back atcha.

July 19, 2006  

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