Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Today In 'Goggle Nazi'

Goggle Nazi happened to be working today. He wasn't at the front desk, rather, he was doing some cleaning/maintenance looking activities. At the desk however, was maybe a new breed of Tanning Specialist: The Lotion Nazi.

Unlike Goggle Nazi, she didn't require me to show her my goggles. Rather, she wanted to know which brand of lotion I was using. Do they track these things, seriously? Or is it an attempt to upsell me?

I reply, 'the one with the mean, hemp in it'. [It actually does have hemp in it].

My answer passed the test.

While this was transpiring, Goggle Nazi stopped what he was doing and came by the far side of the desk, just kind of hanging out. I could see in my peripheral version he was watching me with the Lotion Nazi. I was planning on walking by him and saying 'howdy' on the way to my bed, but alas!, the Lotion Nazi gave me a bed on the opposite side of the salon.

I go to my bed, and the second I lie down, the music changes from Hip Hop to...wait for it.....Gay Techno. Seriously, I felt like I was at Tracks.

Did Goggle Nazi change it as some sort of sign? Or did lotion Nazi think that music was more my style, for as usual, I was the only one in the salon? If it was the latter, she made the wrong decision. I abhor cheesey Gay Techno.

I have to say it cracked me up. Last time I was in and Goggle Nazi was working, they were blasting Jessica Simpson. Yeesh.

Unfortunately, when I finished, and came out, Goggle Nazi wasn't around. I was going to engage him in conversation, and see if the music stylings were his choice, but he was AWOL. Guess I will have to find out next time.


Blogger TOS said...

Thanks for the Seann Scott link - great blog you have here btw!

July 26, 2006  

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