Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Etiquette Tip Of The Day

From our crazy friend, Emily Post:

'In passing across people who are seated, always face the stage and press as close to the backs of the seats you are facing as you can.

Remember also not to drag anything across the heads of those sitting in front of you.

At the moving pictures, especially when it is dark and difficult to see, a coat on an arm passing behind a chair can literally devastate the hair-dressing of a lady occupying it.

If you are obliged to cross in front of some one who gets up to let you pass, say 'Thank you,' or 'Thank you very much' or 'I am very sorry.'

Do not say 'Pardon me!' or 'Beg pardon!'

Though you can say 'I beg your pardon.'

That, however, would be more properly the expression to use if you brushed your coat over their heads, or spilled water over them, or did something to them for which you should actually beg their pardon.

But 'Beg pardon,' which is an abbreviation, is one of the phrases never said in best society.

Gentlemen who want to go out after every act should always be sure to get aisle seats.

There are no greater theater pests than those who come back after the curtain has gone up and temporarily snuff out the view of everyone behind, as well as annoy those who are obliged to stand up and let them by.

Between the acts nearly all gentlemen go out and smoke at least once, but those wedged in far from the aisle, who file out every time the curtain drops are utterly lacking in consideration for others.

If there are five acts, they should at most go out for two entr'actes and even then be careful to come back before the curtain goes up.'


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