Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's Official.

Today is the official 9th anniversary of me being at The Company.

Funny that.

I only took a position at The Company as temp, to get benefits, since I was a bartender at the time, and didn't have any.

What a crazy 9 years. Who'd a thunk I'd still be here.

Oh, there were times that I wanted to leave. But things like bonuses, and stock options [during the Internet Bubble], pulled me back in.

Between constant turnover in customer service, consistent management reorganization, and infighting with my team, while trying to develop process and procedures, it's been stressful, and far from a cushy cubicle job

And that doesn't include dodging numerous layoffs.

I never had an intention of staying here this long. I guess needing to eat and pay bills, puts you in situations you don't expect.

What's also crazy, is the various positions and work assignments I have had. Next month, not only will I be covering for my boss, I will be covering for her's, as well. [At least it is quiet during the Holidays].

A while back, I decided I couldn't do this for the rest of my life, and thus, went back to school. Let me tell you, while it's great learning new stuff, going back to school as an adult, you don't put up with much b.s..
I had a string of crappy teachers, and with a bout of depression coming after the death of a friend, I had to take a break. School just was becoming too stressful, and gaytarded.

I did have a zen moment a few months ago, though. I realized that I get paid pretty well for what I do. And in the grand scheme of things, I could be in far worse situations. Like being stuck behind a register at Wal Mart.

I also realized that I was stressing myself out, and that people are inherently stupid, so I should just get over it. Realizing everyone can't be as perfect as you, and accepting that while you don't always have to be right, you don't need to press the issue on people who just don't get it. It can seriously cut down on your stress. [
God, I've mellowed - thanks meds!].

Ever since then, coming to work has been scads easier.

So it is on this anniversary, I wonder where I will be in 9 years. I have no real plans except for finishing school. My only fear is, finishing school, and being in deep with school loans, that I will have to stay here. Until I get my debt paid down, I can't afford to take a lower paying position in another field.

It sucks being grown up sometimes.


Blogger Helen the Felon said...

I can't believe it's been that long. So weird, everything that's happened since 1997. Congrats on sticking it out, homes.

When I moved to NY, my first job was in ZIP code 10036. You, Mishka, and Lee are about the only people left who understand what kind of weird kismet that is.

November 08, 2006  

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