Good thing I like veggies.

Although, I prefer marinated artichoke hearts.
For all the bad stuff I have done, and do, to my body, I do actually eat pretty healthy. Wonder how that is going to play out in the long run. My luck, I will probably live to be 90.
'Current research is showing benefits to the liver from cynarin, a compound found in the artichoke's leaves. Silymarin is another compound found in artichokes that has powerful anitoxidant properties and may help the liver regenerate healthy tissue.
Artichokes are nutrient dense, so, for the 25 calories in a medium artichoke, you're getting 16 essential nutrients!
Artichokes provide the important minerals magnesium, chromium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. For example, that 25 calorie artichoke provides 6% of the Recommended Daily Value of phosphorus, 10% of magnesium, 8% of manganese, 10% of chromium, 5% of potassium, 4% of iron and 2% of calcium and iron.
In addition to all these important minerals, artichokes are a good source of fiber (12% of the RDV), vitamin C (10% of the RDV), and folate (10% of the RDV).
Artichokes are low in calories and sodium, have no fat and no cholesterol.
All this means that artichokes, as a part of a low-fat, high-fiber diet, can help reduce the risk of certain types of heart disease, cancers and birth defects. '
Artichoke Nutrition
Love veggies, but never tried artichokes...mainly because I don't know how to prepare/cook them (or eat them). Same goes for asparagus, though I guess you can just steam-n-eat those, huh???
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