'Allo. 'Allo. I'm in a place called vertigo.

Museum getting 'dizzy' reviews
Taisto Makela, a University of Colorado Professor, learned something unexpected on a recent trip to the Denver Art Museum's Hamilton addition. It was confirmed on a second visit with a friend.
"Then I went there with a friend of mine, an architectural critic and also a teacher. She became so dizzy she had to hold onto the handrail," said Makela.
While the new wing has attracted more than 150,000 visitors since it opened October 7, architect Daniel Liebeskind's design has left some of them reeling, and it is not because of the artwork.
Our partners at the Denver Post report that this dizziness has a medical basis. Tilting walls and open spaces can create vertigo in some people.
"It's normal to get dizzy, and some people are more susceptible to dizziness than others," said Dr. Carol Foster.
The museum says the overwhelming response has been positive.
"People like the art, people don't like the art," Andrea Fulton, a Denver Art Museum spokeswoman. "We hear a lot about that but there have been minimal comments about physical feelings in the building."
Yikes, it sounds like a place that would make me dizzy. I hope nobody falls down and sues the museum for causing the fall.
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