Wednesday, April 04, 2007

'Pretty random fiesta, eh?'

Cleverly Foolish posted about his dreams today, and it reminded me of a dream I had this morning/last night.

I usually don't remember my dreams, unless they are really vivid. Like the time I hung out with Lindsay Lohan, and felt sorry for her. Or the time I got high with Ashton Kutcher.

This dream stood out because it involved this guy, Keith, I knew in high school.

I had known of Keith since the 7th grade. Since day one, I had a total crush on him. I couldn't really do anything about it, though, since he wasn't a 'mo.

Later in high school, due to being involved in the same clubs and student government, we actually worked on stuff together. Still had the crush, but at least now I was hanging out/talking to him.

Keith could have been considered one of the popular-jock types in school. I hung with most of them during the school week, and Keith was no exception. On the weekends, I was too busy being a raver to attend keggers at the popular kids' suburban McMansions.

In fact, in an odd way, Keith used to revel in my stories of the weekend, come Monday morning. [I was a bit of a partier].

Ok, now here's the dream. Keith and I, along with a bunch of people, are on a boat rescuing people at some beach resort. The dream wasn't odd in itself, but what was odd, was that Keith was so explicitly in it. It always makes me wonder, how your subconscious concocts ingredients for dreams. I haven't thought about/seen Keith since the high school reunion.

So as I am lying there, trying to garner the motivation to get up for the day, I had a flashback to a funny/weird incident with Keith.

We were staying at the Hotel Colorado in Glenwood Springs for a regional competition. This was the trip where me and my friend Brandi, actually snuck away from the conference/competition, to go get stoned with some of the local kids at their house. Brandi and I eventually get back, and sneak in that night. per procedure, the guys and girls stay in separate rooms. But on our way back, we run in to this girl Kelly [one of the hottest girls in school - who also happened to be Brandi's roommate on the trip, and Keith. [Honestly, if the teachers knew half of what went on on our conference trips, they would be shocked, and probably fired].

We tell them we just scored some bud from the locals, and all four of us sneak off to, of course, go get high. Eventually we rejoin our group. Someone recounts that the hotel is supposed to have a ghost. While being stoned, this freaks out Brandi and Kelly. As it is getting late, the girls ask Keith and I to stay in their room because they swear they heard/saw the ghost.

So Keith and I sneak in, and the four of us end up staying up way too late, just laughing and goofing around. Eventually we pucker out, and somehow, Keith and I end up in Kelly's bed. She ends up sleeping in the middle.

While trying to get to sleep, Keith and I continue to chat a bit, and then since we were still high, we got a serious case of the giggles. The girls were getting upset cause we were keeping them up, but you know how maniacal your laughter can get while high.

Sadly, no kinky business happened that night. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have made a move on Kelly and Keith. But alas, that didn't happen.

I only ran in to Keith once, after graduation. It was at the pool of his grandmother's townhome. [I was there with a friend who also lived in the complex].

When I saw Keith at the reunion, it showed how time had passed. He had acquired a paunch, and was bald as Mr. Clean. Met his wife, and found out he runs a construction company here in town. It was cool though, because our interaction, returned as if a day had not passed.

So yah, I wondered why him of all people, would pop up in my dream. Totally random.

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Blogger lioux said...

I have a friend named Keith.

April 05, 2007  

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