Sunday, February 10, 2008

Does anyone else...

get icked out but the Ped Egg commercial?

I get grossed out if people clip their fingernails at work.

This is worse!

It totes makes my skin crawl when the dump the ....shavings...[gag] the trash.

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Blogger vivavavoom said...

the one that actually made my stomach turn was the toe fungus commercial where they have an animated toe fungus like bug lift up a toenail and climb in. cannot remember the product...some toe fungus spray i think, but it grossed me out everytime. and cutting fingernails and toenails at work is disgusting and an absolute no no!!

February 10, 2008  
Blogger H. Alan Scott said...

soooo gross!

February 11, 2008  
Blogger Colleen said...

did you see that product that's like sticky pads you put on the bottom of your feet, and they're supposed to draw out your body's toxins?
turns out it's a fake.

February 11, 2008  
Blogger Meredith said...


Scary thing is that I could actually really use one of those.

February 11, 2008  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Viva - I remember that commercial.

Scott - Yah, grody.

Colleen - In theory I thought they would work. Just because of how much your feet sweat.

Meredith - I could see soaking your feet and using a loofah sponge, but sitting there on the couch filing down your paws, ick.

February 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yick! I have to look away when this comes on! Its just gross! The Ped Egg is basically a cheese grater for your feet!

June 10, 2008  

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