Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ummm. Two words. Ouch, and complicated.

So I don't know how this happened, but I have occasionally received press release emails. I check my 'junk mail' folder because sometimes, real, non-junk, emails end up there, and Blogger throws my commenter's emails in there sometimes. One press release was for this anti-Bush book, but usually, they are just about other blogs. I am thinking it is some form of spam.

Anywho, I got one that I decided to check out, and yikes. Not only is it NSFW [not safe for work], but it is bizarre. Basically it is a sex-toy version of the pogo-stick. I won't go in to details, because I try to keep this blog on the 'safe for work' side. But I'll post the link, of course, for those who choose to venture there on their own.

What I don't get about this contraption, is that it seems kinda complicated to use. Seems that there are easier tools for the job. And it would be hard [pun intended] to have the coordination to use it. Most people can't even tap their head [pun intended], and rub their stomach at the same time.

What is also kind of disturbing, is the photo gallery showing it in action. It shows both hetero and homo peeps. Mixed together. Without warning. Although, it is kind of cool that they recognize the potential homo market for their toy.

I feel kinda sorry, though, for the people who did the photos showing how it's used. But then again, like I said, it is kind of a complicated device, and a user's guide is needed to sell it.
So, in all its kinky internet-ness, here's the Dil Stick


Blogger Claystation said...

Hey! I write instruction mauals for a living. I wonder if I could get a job writing manuals for sex toys!

May 15, 2006  
Blogger James said...

At first I couldn't figure out what they were going to do with that thing. Seems like a good work out and a great time.

It's funny, though...I got an e-mail from the press guy for Henry Rollins' show. "Tell your readers this!" Yeah, right. Not unless I get some swag!

Word V: fszzypu

A few more letters (gimme an S, another S, gimme a Y) and you'd have something else NSFW.

May 17, 2006  

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