Friday, July 07, 2006

Architectural Digest eats its peas one by one.

A month ago, I got a weird, almost conceited letter from Architectural Digest asking why I haven't renewed my subscription. I didn't respond, but posted about it.

So what do I have today? A new letter, that sounds like a desperate girlfriend dealing with a break up:

'Dear Former Subscriber,

Your subscription to Architectural Digest has expired and we have not yet received your renewal instructions. Despite our repeated attempts to notify you and find out what you would like us to do about it, you remain silent.

It is difficult to imagine you willingly going without the pleasure that Architectural Digest brings you each month.

You're missing out on the work of top international designers, art that commands worldwide attention, tantalizing interiors, and gardens beyond compare.

We would like to put you back on the list of continuing subscribers. And if we can't do that, we'd like to know why - is it something we have done wrong?

Please take a moment to use the enclosed form and envelope provided to renew your subscription...or just drop us a line if we have somehow disappointed you.

Either way we look forward to hearing from you.



So this time I am going to respond. I am sending back the letter with this response:

'Dear Kristie,

It's not you, it's me. I am just in a different place now.

No hard feelings?

Much love,



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