[Note: This is not a pic of me]
Being that my stylist is kind of hard to schedule an appointment with, and with my hair growing shagadelic, I decided to do so maintenance trimming in the interim.
Well, lately, I have been getting these severe twitches [I think because of my meds]. It's kind of like when someone with Tourette's, has a tick. Out of nowhere, a neuron will misfire, and manifest itself as an extreme twitch.
It is not secluded to one area either. The other day at work, both arms jerked forward as I was typing.
Well, you would think that I would know better than to do some interim groom maintenance.
The other night, I was using the clippers to clean up my sideburns, and ear area, when I had a twitch.
The clipper grazed up, and to the back, of the right side of my head. It took with it, a sizeable swath of hair in the process, leaving a glorious patch of ivory scalp shining through.
Now most people, would either just completely shave the rest of the head, or go first thing to a stylist. I shaved my head once, and I don't have the head shape for it. I was born Caesarean, and I think that process made me noggin' misshapen.
As for going to a stylist, I am particular about my hair, and rely on my stylist only. I have had bad cuts from random others.
Since my appointment is only a few days away, I just decided to 'make it work'. Plus, I have had the Escaped Mental Patient look before. I guess you could call it an AntiCut. My coworkers and friends have seen me with a plethora of styles, one of which is the Mental Patient look, on purpose [think Brad Pitt in '12 Monkeys'].
I end up going to work the next day, and Matt asks, 'you going with the Mental Patient look again?'. I laughed. I explained it was a grooming mishap, but he said it looked pretty cool actually.
Made me feel better.
The thing is over the course of the day, and the commute home, it was funny to see people's reaction to it.
For as rude as people are becoming today, most people looked, secretly gawked, then looked away.
But what became evident, was that it had a side benefit. Some people would look at me, and the look on their face was, 'Whoa!' What's up with that guy?'. Especially some of the black peeps. They had a look like, 'Is that brutha' crazy?'.
So in the end, it acts as a good deterrent to keeping people away from you. Which is fine by me, because I hate being approached while commuting, especially if I haven't had any caffeine yet.
The appointment is in two days, and all will be fixed. I just hope people don't think I am related to, or a fan of Jeffrey Sebelia - since my hair is, unfortuntely, almost a similar looking Mental Patient Anti-Mullet.